
Monday, December 12, 2016

last post for 2016

hi there bloging world

thankyou for coming  to visit my learning blog this will be my last post because i am leaving  waikowhai. i have enjoyed use this  to share my learning  i hope you enjoyed my learning.

blog you later

Cybersmart game

Here is my Cybersmart game we made in Cybersmart  and it was very fun to make we  had to  find a dice and make a link and then we made the  rules  and we had to add the points and  avatars.
It was hard to make because I  made it very small and i think next time I need to make it better by making it bigger  and I made I In a google drawing  but the avatars are very cool I like them a lot  because they are star wars and I like star wars a lot.
we made it  because  fro the next year 5`s so they  know  about  Cybersmart
 and they can play my game to and have fun playing it.
please leave a comment.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

pattern time

This is my pattern we did it for art and my  colours where green and red.when we did the pattern it was very fun but it took me a long time to do this pattern because I had to colour in all of the gaps and it took me 2 hole days to do the pattern because the 1 time I left lots of gaps and then the bell when for then end of the day and thats how i did  not get it finished in 1 day so ya😀😌.and that why it took me 2 do days to do this pattern 😯😺.

six hats

this is my six  thinking hats it is about our  production with was Alice in Wonderland and it was very cool because i was back stage  and it was very cool because i did not have to play a part in the are the they are.😀

toy time

this is my toy and i made it with Robert he was my  partner and we made it  together and it needs to have a
mechanism and as our mechanism we put weels and  propeller . Why was this  important because it was using our  brains to make it.What happens next is that we get to take them home yay😌😁.

Book Review

This term we Started to do a  Book Review  and i read jelly  mountain and then we had to do 8  was it important because we got to lot of different  activity and it was very fun and i like it a lot😊.What happen  know your  learning will get better.😋

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

mapping where we where born

How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS? Some have gone 298 km.Why do people make the choice to move to different countries? because some of the countries are pollute and it is bad to stay in a country that is pollute.

Is this a trend in NZ society?Because some countries are dangerous.
What does the media tell us?Lots of people have moved to NZ and the house,s are getting very very expensive.

The Lie from Untitled Productions on Vimeo.

This video made me very sad that people can be very racist.please leave a comment.

Monday, October 10, 2016

what can you do?

Today in cyber smart  we where looking at making a scenario of a bad comment. 

Here are my answer:

1.I would report them and not argue back.

2.Who  would i tell:I will tell my mum or dad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

tramp comp

Today  I went to a tramp comp and  I came 4th it was very close to coming 3rd.It was very hard to compete because  Gladstone primary had the most people in the team. Here are some photos and videos. my favourite part was the warm ups because you got to have fun on the tramp.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Art festival

At the art festival we did art inspired by David hockney and they are joiners .Here is the one that I made.
And here is the google slide.I thought making a a joiner was very fun an I would do i next time it was fun because I got to use lot of different tools to make It.  


Monday, August 15, 2016

makeng a good blog comment

Today James showed us how to  Improv a comments a that are ok  to then make the comments into very good comment.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Padlet time!

Today we have used padlet and we put in how we can make a good blog comment on blogs.we did it because we can do P.H.T (positive helpful and thoughtful.) To get more info  for making a good comment we watched some video from blogs.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

my brain box

We have learn how to use electricity circuit and make cool things on it  like a siren noise.

Monday, July 4, 2016


Today we worked on our blog treaty. It shows the things that you need to remember before you make a blog post.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week 7

Week 7 creations.
This week I have post about my Matariki and art and narrative.the art was by David hockney.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

my first post

This is my first blog post I am really excited hope you like it

Thursday, May 12, 2016